
Alpha force testo and shark tank
Alpha force testo and shark tank

alpha force testo and shark tank

Although it has now been conclusively shown that women are as, or more violent than men in intimate relationships, men are still at least three times as likely to be arrested for DV and a warrantless arrest is mandatory in most states if domestic violence is alleged. Domestic violence (DV) and no-fault divorce laws, though based on false ideology, have proven to be powerful tools in the radical feminist assault on the patriarchy over the past 30 years. However, the present feminist campaign, too often based on slander and libel, is likely to be short lived, but will almost certainly result in undesirable complications for women and society in general. " Mere allegations, often supplemented by false memories, now suffice to convict patriarchs of sexual assault and harassment, at least in the public press. Since due process has become a quaint artifact in our current justice system, proof, evidence, witnesses, and truth are no longer necessary.

alpha force testo and shark tank

As they did with domestic violence, radical feminists have wisely chosen innate human problems and built their current propaganda campaign on the foundation of sexual assault and harassment. Finding their ideology and dogma being destroyed by science, the Internet, and social networks, feminists needed new methods to further their cause. However, in the more than two decades since current domestic violence laws were passed, men and women have taken many steps to defend themselves, their careers, and most importantly, their children. Built on the debris of the War on Drugs, domestic violence laws have successfully destroyed virtually all civil liberties embodied in the Bill of Rights. A major weapon in their arsenal has been the introduction of draconian laws circa 1994 to punish the crimes of domestic violence and abuse, as defined by them. Radical feminists have successfully used false ideology and dogma to promote their goal of destroying the patriarchy and reinstituting the more primitive matriarchy.

Alpha force testo and shark tank